Early Consignments:
15 Angus steers & heifers, natural, vaccinated & boostered, 550-600 lbs.
4 steers vaccinated & boostered 625 lbs.
10 Heifers vaccinated & boostered, natural 650 lbs.
8-10 heifers 550 lbs.
7 Angus heifers vaccinated & boostered out of Penn State breeding bulls.
Accepting cattle Friday, February 7th from 8 AM- 6 PM
Cattle needing preg checked and all PA cattle MUST be at the barn by 4 PM, Cattle will be fed and watered.
Ask us about our vaccination protocols!
Visit our website to print vaccination forms at home and to see the latest Market Reports!
Call now to advertise today!
Missy Wilk, 315-264-7355, Marty Layden, 607-426-6106